
CX Onsite | Connexion


From secure, mobile storage solutions to automatic replenishment, your jobsite will always having the right products onhand when and where you need them.

Professional Installers Needn't Also Be Inventory Managers

From secure, mobile storage solutions to automatic replenishment, your jobsite will always having the right products on-hand when and where you need them.

It's been documented that over 40% of total labor costs are tied up in material handling. Having the right consumable products organized and managed in a convenient location is critical to increasing on-site efficiency. When we manage the material on-site, we'll ensure you have the right amount of products where and when you need it Our On-Site Managed Platform can significantly improve efficiencies by shifting the materials management to us. This can result in lower transaction and handling costs.


Setup is easy!

Together, we'll evaluate your inventory needs and storage space to determine what level of solution you require. We'll then lock in your stock levels and pricing. Finally, We'll organize, setup, and barcode label the items that we will manage for you.

Maintenance and ordering made easy!

A Connexion Service Professional will visit your jobsite at a predetermined interval appropriate for your needs. We'll then organize, count and provide a replenishment recommendation. We'll ship your replenish order in accordance with your needs and schedule a time for put-away if needed.

Connexion can help you streamline your material handling and replenishment systems and drive costs from your jobsite's operations.

Our Cx Onsite Inventory Solutions can be tailored to suit your needs, providing you with as little or as much support you require to achieve your operational and accounting objectives.


To learn more, or to see how we can help you please contact us using the form below.
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